Unplugged and Unwanted: An Offbeat Look at E-Waste and Its Environmental Impact in Australia


Electronic gadgets have become an integral part of our lives, playing a crucial role in numerous areas ranging from communication to entertainment, education, and business operations. As technology continues to evolve at a breakneck speed, we find ourselves frequently replacing outdated IT equipment with newer models. But have we ever stopped to ponder what happens to these discarded electronic devices? This blog post delves into the environmental impact of electronic waste (or e-waste) in Australia, focusing particularly on IT equipment.

The Rising Tide of E-Waste

E-waste includes a broad array of discarded electronic devices, including but not limited to computers, smartphones, printers, and other IT equipment. The rapid evolution of technology, coupled with the increasing consumer demand for the latest devices, has led to an alarming rise in e-waste worldwide. In Australia, it is estimated that we generate over 500,000 tonnes of e-waste each year.

E-Waste and the Environment

When disposed of improperly, e-waste has a significant negative impact on the environment. A large proportion of the e-waste ends up in landfills, where toxic metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium can leak into the soil and water. Furthermore, many e-waste items contain plastics that, when incinerated, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, a leading factor in climate change.

One common misconception about e-waste is that it is not a significant contributor to Australia's carbon emissions. In reality, e-waste can be a potent source of carbon emissions if not properly managed. According to a study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, e-waste contributes to around 3% of Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions.

E-Waste and Climate Change

A 2019 study conducted by the United Nations University estimates that global e-waste production could reach 74 million metric tons by 2030, which would equate to an alarming 21% increase from 2014. E-waste is becoming a significant driver of climate change as harmful gases released during improper disposal contribute to the warming of the earth's atmosphere.

When electronic devices are discarded in landfills, they often get incinerated, releasing large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. This is due to the burning of the plastics and metals that the devices are made of, contributing to the global climate crisis. In fact, the United Nations estimates that e-waste globally contributed 50 million metric tons of CO2 emissions in 2020 alone.

A Path to Sustainability: The Circular Approach

There is an urgent need to address the e-waste issue and transition to a more sustainable model of electronics use and disposal. The circular economy model is a viable solution to this problem, as it encourages the reuse and recycling of resources, reducing the need for new materials and decreasing carbon emissions in the process.

Choosing an accredited e-waste partner is a critical step towards managing e-waste sustainably. Such partners have the knowledge and resources to handle e-waste properly, ensuring that it is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner or recycled to extract valuable components for reuse.

E-waste partners focused on a circular approach prioritise reusing, repairing, and recycling electronic devices over simply discarding them. They strive to extend the life cycle of electronic devices and reduce the demand for new ones, effectively decreasing the overall carbon footprint of the electronics industry.


E-waste is a rising environmental issue in Australia and across the globe. Through proper e-waste management practices and the adoption of a circular economy model, we can reduce the harmful effects of e-waste on our environment and climate. This begins with choosing the right e-waste partner – one that is accredited and committed to a circular approach. Remember, your choices today can help pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future.